Instructions de cuisson
Cuiseur vapeur: Placer le gyoza surgelé dans un cuiseur vapeur. Cuire pendant 6-7 minutes jusqu’à ce que la température à cœur dépasse 60°C.
Pan Fry: Preheat the oil in a frying pan to 140-150°C. Add the frozen gyoza, spacing evenly. Fry until the bottom of each gyoza is slightly charred a golden brown colour then add approx. 100ml water while the heat is still on (take care for splashing liquid). Cover the pan and cook until the water has completely evaporated. Serve immediately.
Chicken, WHEAT flour, cabbage, vegetable oil (palm), SESAME oil, ginger, vegetable (sunflower) oil, white pepper. Sake contains: water, alcohol, rice, yeast …
Allergènes: BLÉ, SÉSAME
Ce produit est certifié HALAL
Produit surgelé Conserver à -18 °C..
Ne pas recongeler après décongélation
Net Weight: 265gm